IRC.LV - Блоги (Japojan) IRC.LV - Блоги (Japojan) IRC.LV - Блоги (Japojan) Fri, 15 Apr 2011 02:16:48 +0300 Борьба... (Japojan)
— В каждом человеке идет борьба, очень похожая на борьбу двух волков. Один волк представляет зло — зависть, ревность, сожаление, эгоизм, амбиции, ложь... Другой волк представляет добро — мир, любовь, надежду, истину, доброту, верность...

Маленький индеец, тронутый до глубины души словами деда, на несколько мгновений задумался, а потом спросил:

— А какой волк в конце побеждает?

Старый индеец едва заметно улыбнулся и ответил:

— Всегда побеждает тот волк, которого ты кормишь.]]>
Fri, 15 Apr 2011 02:16:48 +0300 The thoughts of a man (First blog!) (Japojan) My Thoughs on Thursday!

The day started as always. Got up, but a bit late, because my alarm haven`t worked proparly (I`m lying, same old laziness!) . The weather was fantastic, the sun had just risen and was shining very bright. I thought: I should take a walk before university, so I toke off. When I came out, a breezing wind rushed into my face and it felt refreshing. So after some adoptation to the climate, I decided to take the good old route. The sky was blue as a sea that I once saw in a picture, so blue that even the colour of a tropical - Fairy Blue Bird - was too dark. So I went on, when the snow croaked beneath my feet, I remembered as a kid I used to love this sound, when going outside at a freezing December morning the snow felt so smooth and cousy. So back to the story, I was on my way to the university, the cars were going quite fast, probably because the snow had melted and the roads were clean. I was going very fast, the buildings went one by one and ]]>
Fri, 11 Mar 2011 00:01:00 +0200