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    tapki (36) 7 (95050)1490300 10 лет  

    gray. может быть правильно и grey тоже. но напримерб один вариант UK, второй US


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    Nbitoru (38) 8 (126956)1040228 10 лет  

    Gray and grey are different spellings of the same word, and both are used throughout the English-speaking world. But gray is more common in American English, while grey is more common in all the other main varieties of English. In the U.K., for instance, grey appears about twenty times for every instance of gray. In the U.S. the ratio is reversed.


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    Незнакомка 7 (21040)745141 10 лет  


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    hawketeer 6 (16332)41775 10 лет  

    argentine, grayish, leaden, pewter, silver, silvery, slate, slaty (also slatey), steely

    Вот альтернативные варианты

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    ko6kaubijca 1 (195)1313 10 лет  

    grey правильно!

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    Himonas 7 (36797)51346 10 лет  

    Чаще встречается написание grey, реже gray. В значении серый цвет употребимы: argentine, grayish, leaden, pewter, silver, silvery, slate, slaty (also slatey), steely and it's not so white

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