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    Naughty|girl (36) 6 (12720)52163 15 лет  

    will become нельзя так говорить, не правильно
    Всё было  правильно


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    Adar (34) 6 (8473)31020 15 лет  

    The government should create new laws then our life becomes quieter.

    The government must create new laws then our life will become quieter.

    хотя в принципе я бы вообще по другому сказал

    всё что до этого правильно, всё тчо дальше не смотрел ))

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    Kukish 7 (63114)639149 15 лет  

    each one of us wants to live in a peaceful country.

    остальное лень смотреть

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    Tofu 7 (21384)31144 15 лет  

    then people will start to be afraid and not to do foolish acts.
    сapital punishment,
    = Deadly execution
    Parents are necessary  to spare more attention to the children, teach them to be kinder and more polite.

    = It is necessary for parents to pay more attention to their children, to teach them to be kinder and more polite.
    producers shoot violent films and soon people repeat those actions as in films
    - лучше звучит без "soon"...
    In durance vile I would like to say that if in the state good system of rule, if for people good ideas,to he will never go on a crime.
      = In the conclusion,I'd like to say that if there is a good system of ruling (или "control system") in government, if people think positively, it means they'll never go  on a crime!
    If in the world there were not drugs, tobacco, then people would live quietly. Then not be so much crimes.
    - If there were no drugs, tobacco in the world,people would live peacefully. There wouldn't be so many crimes.

    police and government must  care of people, then people will sleep more quiet
    = ...must take care of people,...more quietly.

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