
Комментарии (2)

zvezdaa2006 1. декабря, 2007.г.  
 0 0
с этого всё начиналось..
shooryck (43) 26. ноября, 2007.г.  
 0 0
4 just 1 day
i want to ignore a sensless faith
stop to get controled by the state
4 just 1 day

4 just 1 day
i want to brake all regulations
because be all go the same way
and we've all passed the same stations

4 just 1 day
i want to feel totaly free
no responsibilities, just everything is ok
no desires, just surviving is the key

4 just 1 day
i want to ignore a sensless faith
colors are victorius over the grave
stop to get controled by the state

4 just 1 day
i want to forget the value of money and gold
i want to live life my way
and lose my inner vision treshold