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shooryck (43) 6 (15423)2315 17 лет
smotri po tomu 4to u tebja horosho polu4aetsja a ne po tomu 4to tebe ho4etsja ;)
tell yourself whou you CAN be instead of telling yourself who you WANT to be!
;) prosto i genialno ;)
Вопросов: 1278440 Ответов: 8802041, Участников: 369965 |
shooryck (43) 6 (15423)2315 17 лет
smotri po tomu 4to u tebja horosho polu4aetsja a ne po tomu 4to tebe ho4etsja ;)
tell yourself whou you CAN be instead of telling yourself who you WANT to be!
;) prosto i genialno ;)