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Vladimir S 6 (16737)1539 9 лет
Если загрузчик нокиевский вскрыли и сумели заменить рукастые умельцы - то в сети должны быть хоть корявые прошивки андроидом под люмию. Беглый гуглинг показывает, что нет ничо такого. Значит никак. Хотя вот те цитата:
In theory, anything is possible - after all, it's just software. But there are a few hurdles: Windows 8 runs on ARM architecture, and Android runs X86, so you need a compiler which would take your C code written for ARM and translate it into X86 code.
Not only the code, but the APIs need to be translated (or interpreted; it is software after all) so that the Nokia functions behave EXACTLY as they do on Android. Or again, make an interpreter which would reproduce the same behaviour.
The ancillary support chips (graphics and comms) also need to be driven differently, so that code will have to be written and tested.
I haven't looked at the screen sizes, but that is a major hassle when writing software which runs on different machines. This leads to re-doing the layout of the icons but I'm sure it can be done.
And with all this new code, you're going to have to test it after bolting it together. Normally you'd run the Lumia test suites on the new Android platform, but they don't exist so you'll have to write them.
Are you really sure you want this?
Но ваще, конечно, андройд уже и на смарт калькулятор сумели завести пасаны, но кому оно надо?
Животворящего образа андрюши с работающим минимумом драйверов (о камерах и прочмх свистоперделках даже не заикаемся) под твою устаревающую люмию скорее всего никто не будет делать. Люди, кто это умеет, обычно заняты делами поважнее. -