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MexaHHuk (39) 7 (21611)51442 14 лет
чем дешевле билет - тем дороже дополнительные услуги... :) В среднем от 50ти до 100 лат...
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Danaja 6 (18887)767209 14 лет
v v ryanaire-luchse kupitj drugoj bilet-v principe ta zhe summa vijdet.+353 1 2480856 - English speaking
How much will a name change cost and how can I do this?
Passenger names can be changed via the following methods:
* Up to 4 hours prior to the schedule flight departure time via the Manage My Booking section of the website at a discounted rate. Please note - A passenger name can only be changed via this method before a passenger has checked in online.
* Alternatively a Ryanair call centre (subject to opening hours) can change a passenger name up to 4 hours before the scheduled flight departure time. (Full rates apply)
* At the airport a passenger name can be changed up to 40 minutes prior to the scheduled flight departure time (Full rates apply)
Name changes are not possible if any flight sector in the booking has been flown.
There is a name change fee per person. No fare difference is charged when changing a passenger name only.
No changes to the passenger name can take place once a passenger has checked in for a flight. -
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h4y- 4 (1365)25 14 лет
Порой сайты авиакомпаний во время покупки билета предлагают оплатить возможность смены даты полета или фамилии пассажира. За это, естественно, берется небольшая дополнительная оплата, если вы сами не отключите эту функцию.