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    Idillija (31) 6 (8275)659180 13 лет  

    Да могут - КОс , кос ,косинус , плюс плюс золото Ё , Ё ё , любовь это алхимия ё , а секс математика ё ё ё , косинус ,плюс, плюс корень 125 ё          


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    Dolgopjat 5 (2715)313 13 лет  

    конечно могут, особенно химики.

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    Енот 8 (343254)628642 13 лет  

    Chemical Brothers ? :)

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    mr starlight (35) 7 (23231)6105303 13 лет  


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    Sid_Vicious (32) 7 (21029)32360 13 лет  

    могут. Надо же чем-то разгружать мозги от этой ерунды

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    E_mc2 4 (1873)818 13 лет  

    Конечно могут, тут нет разницы кто ты химик, математик или художник. Рок идет из души, да и он не ограничен, можешь пихать туда то, что хочешь. Вот кстати пример песни с содержанием химии)

    [Part One: fission]

    Atom by atom gaining a few
    Collapsing and waxing and building anew
    Eleven dimensions curled up so tight
    Time and space one thing the speed limit light

    Neutron and proton collapsing afresh
    More complex carbons creating the flesh
    Super string membranes dark matter burst
    Pulling together our universe

    Strange, charm and gluons imploding again
    All of this matter formed into men

    Energy everywhere and no drop to drink
    Each generation a chain in the link
    Science has helped us in getting this far
    The road has run out so get out of the car

    We're approaching the critical mass

    What will become of the spirit of man?
    What is the story and how does it end?
    Where are the boundaries and where are the doors?
    Who are the heroes for fighting this war?

    How did I meet you and why have we spent
    Our lives together, why were we sent?
    I know that I've lived with you twelve times before
    We're growing together, but what is it for?

    We're approaching the critical mass

    What will become of the spirit of man?
    What is the story and how does it end?
    Where are the boundaries and where are the doors?
    Who are the heroes for fighting this war?

    This means war

    [Part Two: Fusion]

    [Part Three: Lucky]

    I've only just found it
    It's slippin' away and there's nothing I can do
    I've only just found it
    It's slippin' away and there's nothing I can do

    I don't pray so i'll have to stay lucky
    I don't pray so i'll have to stay lucky

    I was dead I was alive
    I've been everyone in this life
    I was alive I was dead
    I've heard everything ever said

    I've only just found it
    It's slippin' away and there's nothing I can do
    I've only just found it
    It's slippin' away and there's nothing I can do

    I don't pray so i'll have to stay lucky
    I don't pray so i'll have to stay lucky

    I was awake I was asleep
    I never had anything that I could keep
    I was asleep I was awake
    I never broke anything I couldn't make

    I've only just found it
    It's slippin' away and there's nothing I can do

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    Mr.Nagel 8 (145091)13103484 13 лет  


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    Врединка77 (32) 4 (1037)311 13 лет  

    Легко! они на самом деле в душе все мечтают об этом

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