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    ЦАРЬ 5 (4884)3417 16 лет  

    тфу тфу тфу тфу тфу пыц пыц пыц пыц пыцпыц тс тс тс тс тс


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    chiessah 1 (109) 16 лет  


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    PawkaTDI 4 (1540)19 16 лет  

    A 4to nado ? beatbox cover ili solo?

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    W124 7 (22463)44194 16 лет  

    Jeff Was on the Beat Box
    *chance to rock*
    *Jeff waz on the beat box*

    There was a party the other day
    Around my way
    They asked if me and Jeff would play
    We said okay
    We nipped out to get the hip hop apparatus
    Came back with the posse in full effect status
    While Jeff set up, I said "check one two y'all"
    Everybody clap lets begin to ball
    I was rapping a capella but I had to stop
    Because chaos broke because Jeff waz on the beat box

    Just cut it up Jeff
    *chance to rock*
    *Jeff waz on the beat box*

    Did you know that parties were all the same when we came up
    We had to rearrange and make a change
    I remember how it was people standing still
    The music was wack so they chose to get ill
    People started breaking and fights would start to break out
    This is the reason why some people make out
    Hip-hop to be bad
    Because of this behaviour
    Then like a miracle two musical saviours
    One with a microphone
    The other with tables
    Both up ready both willing and able
    Burst on the scene like TNT
    People said, "who can it be?"
    Cant you see it's Jeff and me
    We all blazed as musical scholars
    Fast admiration ??? dollars
    Couple of kids with a bright idea
    Didn't want a 9 to 5 made rap careers
    People tried to diss and make the egos shrink
    But we believe in ourselves so to hell what they think
    Moving like a freight train we can't be stopped
    Especially when I'm on the microphone and Jeff is on the beat box

    *chance to rock*
    *Jeff waz on the beat box*

    Yo cut it up Jeff
    Scratched "hip-hop"

    I know I talk about Jeff a whole hell of a lot
    But straight up man you gotta give him his props
    There's not many people who can do what he does
    Marly Marl, Teddy Riley and herbie the luvebug
    But other than that there's not many around
    That can take that box and make it sound
    Like anything that you could possibly want
    Now heres a rhyme that sums it up
    Jeff is diggy diggy d dope and
    You DJ's out there keep hopin
    His beat boxers will be broken
    But you might as well just keep hopin
    You think he can your mis-taken
    Our records he is brizzeakin (breakin0
    (Come on man you can mix)
    Grammy winning musicians
    His beat box is a kizz- kickin
    And all my rhymes are hizz-hittin
    The albums out so go get it
    There ain't no way we st-stopping
    We got the party rizzockin (rockin)
    We got the crowd a hip hoppin
    When Jeff is on the beat box

    *chance to rock*
    *Jeff waz on the beat box*

    One more time scratch Jeff


    Mmm lets see what's next on the agenda
    That's right oh yeah I've got it I remember
    I was discussin when Jeff's on stage
    Yeah hands clap
    Ya feet tap
    Ya eardrums pulsate
    Ya body will move
    As ya flow with the groove
    And you smile as he composes this new rap tune
    When he's on the stage he can't be stopped
    Specially when I'm on the microphone and Jeff is on the beat box

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    KATEHbKA 7 (58144)468232 16 лет  

    Ну если накатить хорошо, то думаю смогла бы...

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  • Как научиться Beatbox`ить ?
    Вот тебе ссылка в помощ  - http://www.humanbeatbox.com/ , там есть все туториалы по всем звукам, сам пробовал по ним учиться, но вскоре понял что не мой это, довольно долго надо тренироваться, что бы извлечь нужный звук, да и горло мощное надо. Был у меня видео-архив со всеми уроками, да пропал.

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  • Принципиальность - хорошо это или плохо?
    не очень хорошо, но зато выгодно. показатель устойчивого характера, стержневого. а в целом - всегда легче переступить через чужие принципы, чем через свои

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