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    1.  0 0

    OxOmHuK 4 (1707)1024 10 лет  

    4 блока, звонил им в январе этого года в информацию


    1.  0 0

    Мистер_Маньяк 4 (1455)212 10 лет  

    On 1 May 2004, ten countries - Cyprus*, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Malta, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia joined the European Union (EU). On 1 January 2007 Bulgaria and Romania also joined.”

    *Though the whole of Cyprus is part of the EU, goods from any areas of Cyprus not under effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus are treated as non-EU imports.

    From these dates travellers from these countries do not pay any UK tax or duty on excise goods they have bought tax and duty paid in these countries for own use. But there are special rules for cigarettes and some other tobacco products from some of these EU countries.
    Tobacco restrictions for four Member States

    The UK is maintaining limits on the amount of cigarettes and some tobacco products that travellers are able to bring in to the UK for own use from four Member States, without paying UK duty.

    The limits are:

        Estonia - 200 cigarettes or 250g of smoking tobacco.
        Bulgaria, Lithuania and Romania - 200 cigarettes.

    Anyone who is carrying more than the limits should pay UK duty on those goods by entering the Customs red channel or by using the red point telephone. If travellers enter the Customs blue channel with more than the limits, then all of their tobacco may be seized.

    1.  0 0

    Сашок 4 (2189)36 10 лет  

    4 блока

    1.  0 0

    bonaquaa 7 (21960)432110 10 лет  

    4 блока,точно знаю

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