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lvava 4 (1136)25 15 лет
Люблю. Стихи поэтов серебрянного века, стихи Батюшкова, некоторые современные поэты. Да и вобще, помоему, у каждого автора (кроме графоманов) можно наити хоть один стих, который нравится.
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Sid_Vicious (33) 7 (21029)32466 15 лет
I sit in the state of a daydream
With all of your words flying over my head
Even more time gets wasted
In a daze
It should seem obvious to you
Your screams and cries are never going to work
And all of your time gets wasted
In my daze
And I'm looking back now
At where I have gone wrong
And why I could not seem to get along
My interests are longing
To break from these chains
These chains that control
My future's aim...
I sit in the state of a daydream
With all of your words flying over my head
Even more time gets wasted
In a daze
Maybe I'm just too damn lazy
Or maybe I was just brainwashed to think that way
And all of your time gets wasted
In my daze
And I'm looking back now
At where I have gone wrong
And why I could not seem to get along
My interests are longing
To break from these chains
These chains that control
My future's aim...
I'm looking-
back now at-
Where I have-
have gone wrong...
And why I -
could not seem-
Could not seem-
to get along...
And I'm looking back now
At where I have gone wrong
And why I could not seem to get along
My interests are longing
To break from these chains
These chains that control
My future's aim... -
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Chupakabras (32) 6 (12993)32692 15 лет
Те, которые являются поэзией, а не графоманией. Лирику люблю.
От Есенина, Маяковского, Цветаевой до Бродского, Цветкова, Воденникова, Шестакова. И некоторые авторы на lito.ru тоже нравятся.
Золотой Век не понимаю. -