Labākā atbilde

    1.  0 0

    Garbutchy (39) 5 (2819)311 15 g  

    pendulum - slam
    TeeBee vs Future Prophecies - Dimentional Entity
    ILS - No soul (High Contrast)
    Shy Fx- Feelings
    High Contrast - Days go by
    Concord Dawn - Don't Tell Me
    Teebee And Future Prophecies - Let The Bass Kick
    Noisia - Fade to Grey
    Genesis - Mama Drum 'n' Bass style


    1.  0 0

    Ramona (34) 6 (12304)43378 15 g  

    Gunsta - let it show - mana miiljaakaa DnB dziesma.

    1.  0 0

    AntiAngeL (38) 7 (38141)4831 15 g  

    d&b top100

    1.  0 0

    houseworx (35) 6 (19904)3741 15 g  

    sorry ne mans stils, nepalidzeshu...

Līdzīgie jautājumi

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