Labākā atbilde

    1.  1 0

    laaciiiicccc 7 (44048)436264 17 g  

    nu nē nenāk gan:(( baigais


    1.  1 0

    Kruzo 6 (8753)3750 17 g  

    Negribu un nav ko zaudēt. Rīt tāpat nekur nav jāiet, varu izgulēties līdz cikiem gribu. :)

    1.  1 0

    Fascination (36) 6 (5364)2310 17 g  

    es pieceelos 5-os pa dienu!!!  man taa kaa veel pa agru!!!

    bet vispaar referaatu rakstu ;)

    1.  1 0

    buse (37) 6 (8214)127 17 g  

    negribu ... gaidu vīru ... kkur klaiņo slampa ... :D :D :D :D :D ...

    1.  1 0

    Letinhs 7 (48143)41098 17 g  

    jaaa kapec nakti jagull ja var to dariit pa dienu!!!!

    1.  0 0

    smukulis (34) 4 (1044)26 17 g  

    Nee biezi vien eju guleet 2 vai 3 naktii jo nenaak miegs

    1.  0 0

    nahNiku (37) 6 (9179)2412 17 g  

    glābējzvanu skatos :D

    1.  0 0

    upuce (39) 6 (10155)3625 17 g  

    njaa..kkaa galiigi nevaru aizmigt..

    1.  0 0

    resnits (35) 6 (12486)3419 17 g  

    gribam meitenes

    1.  0 0

    TaaKasDejo 4 (2197)127 17 g  

    agha,nenaak tas miedzinjsh :)
    jau kuro dienu shitaa pa naktiim seezhu nomodaa :D

    1.  0 0

    DiiDii 7 (31461)31346 17 g  

    zini tādu lietu kā bezmiegs? :P

    1.  0 0

    Aljaziras 6 (17011)4736 17 g  

    Nu nenāk, gan! :/

Līdzīgie jautājumi

  • Kā lai neguļ nakti ja nāk miegs?
       1. Try and take a break to get up and walk around every half hour at least. Go get a drink, go to the bathroom, the copy machine/printer, wherever.
       2. Avoid stimulants. Commonly, workers will drink coffee or soda products to keep caffeine in your system. However, the more this is used, the more glucose/fructose syrup will enter your body. This ingredient, known as "High Fructose Corn Syrup" on most soda drinks, will coat your mouth and tongue with a thin layer of syrup which holds on to sugars and flavors in the drink, giving you a taste of the drink all day and possibly forming an addiction. Caffeine itself is a mixed blessing. The reason why caffeine makes us alert is for many reasons, one of them being that it constricts the blood vessels. A safe alternative to caffeine or sugary drinks is an apple (and it's healthier, and cheaper too).
       3. Multi-task-- try to do more than one thing at a time. Doing one thing for a long period of time will make you zone out and fall asleep easier. Also if you're not sure how long tasks will take you, it will help you manage your time better.
       4. Create goals for yourself. Breaking longer tasks into units small enough to be finished in one focused single-task session will allow you to feel successful throughout the day. The success feeling will wake you up.
       5. Don't sit in the same position for extended periods of time. Move your head, arms, legs, body.
       6. Try eating sunflower seeds still in the husk. Put a small handful in your cheek and crack them open one at a time, using only your teeth and tongue. This will require just enough active thought and tongue movement to prevent you from dozing off, and the salt of the sunflower seeds is invigorating and stimulating. Sunflower seeds can be even more effective than coffee, and have no negative side effects. Spit out the sunflower husks into a paper cup as you go, as quietly as possible so as to not disturb others around you.
       7. Realize that you may not be as tired as you think you are. Often times you'll find that throughout the day, you are fantasizing about going to sleep as soon as you get home. Does this actually happen? For many of us, we find ourselves awake and alert when we're off work and enjoying the rest of the day. Notice this psychological contribution that your mind is making.
       8. When you get up to move around make a trip to the bathroom to splash cold water on your face, it's amazing how well this will help you stay alert.
       9. Drink a lot of water, i.e. fill up your coffee mug/cup with water from the cooler all day. This is twofold: first, you get your required intake of water which is beneficial to your health. Second, this guarantees you getting up every half hour to go to the bathroom.

    Lielo iespēju zeme
  • Kurš vēl neguļ? Kāpēc? :D
    miega problemas (((
  • kurš neguļ???
    Un tagad guli TU:((((....
  • Kapēc vēl neguļam?!? :) ;)
    itkā jau vajadzētu iet gulēt,ja tā nopietni,bet diemžēl 1000 domas galvā šaudās un nevaru iemigt,tāpēc vēl nedaudz uzkavējos šeit
    Aijukins, te daudzi jautājumi bieži atkārtojas     
  • kapēc neguļt???
    Tāpēc , ka meklē atbildes ,alkst pēc izziņas , kas mierinās un sniegs atbildes... Tāpēc , ka skumji vakaros..
  • Cik cilvēku šeit vēl neguļ?
    ja sheit domats latvieshu valodas sadalju tad nezinu ;p

    bet vispar 414 :)

    mes varbut Esam aptuveni kadi pacmit ?
  • Kāpēc pašlaik neguļam?
    mekleejam ar ko guleet :)
  • Kāpēc Jūs visi vel, vai vairs neguļat?
    neatceros, ko tajā laikā darīju! :D
  • Un kāpēc "puikas" neguļ?:)
    vinam neguļas :(  un vispār esmu pūcis :))

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