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капрал_задница 7 (24196)341109 16 лет
Congratulations! You will be 104 years old!
The wavey quality of your Life Line does seem to indicate that you may experience variable health, and that you may not always be very energetic.
The wide swooping motion of your Life Line indicates strength, enthusiasm and an improved love life.
A chained Life Line indicates various health problems, both physical and emotional. Many people with allergies have such a line as well.
не плохо,не плохо...но я столько жить не хочу -
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Alyssa (32) 6 (6626)721 16 лет
Congratulations! You will be 115 years old!
You have the best kind of Life Line, long and clearly marked. This shows that you will possess good health, vitality and a very nice life expectancy.
The wide swooping motion of your Life Line indicates strength, enthusiasm and an improved love life.
The little lines you see extending downward from your Life Line are indicators of your tendency to waste your energy.
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Loafer (37) 7 (28785)21238 16 лет
я давно делал(только в норм прогр) и даже записал... 76 лет! и смерть моя настанет 10.11.2063 Ж)
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Jugernaught 5 (2875)49 16 лет
Congratulations! You will be 110 years old! и Пенсионеры какието :))
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manja6a 5 (2535)27 16 лет
103 там написанно, но я сама лично читала хиромантию!!!!! она никогда не скажет точно до скольки,а лишь промежутки!
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PinkDiamond 4 (1427)413 16 лет
Congratulations! You will be 103 years old!
You have the best kind of Life Line, long and clearly marked. This shows that you will possess good health, vitality and a very nice life expectancy.
The wide swooping motion of your Life Line indicates strength, enthusiasm and an improved love life.
The little lines you see extending upward from your Life Line are representative of your ability to recuperate.