Labākā atbilde

    1.  1 0

    MeGucis 4 (2092)39 17 g  

    Nu vispār  ja tā skaitās dziesma...:D
    man izklausās ka pat sivēni kad tos kastrē tā nekviec... :D


    1.  1 0

    nahNiku (37) 6 (9179)2412 17 g  

    žēl, bet skaņa jau kādu laiku ir mirusi...

    1.  1 0

    spaikers_ 7 (56252)41167 17 g  

    pzc čomam smaga bērnība bijusi :DDD

    1.  0 0

    nLighted (36) 7 (47187)51358 17 g  

    "They think they know who I am all they know is..."
    (3 reizes noklausījos, murgs. Es tā kad uz poda sēžu nerēcu)
    Tālāk pofig neinteresē, man Paul Van Dyke močī tumbās šitos ķēmos nokaifo man klausīties -)

    Agich, uz rastīt guglē dziesmas nosaukumu un sadabūt dziesmas vārdus katrs var,
    tava atbilde ir nožēlojama...
    Tāpēc fuck off!!!

    1.  0 0

    resnits (35) 6 (12486)3419 17 g  

    nja  taadus  murgus tu tik  klausies  kur  neko  nevar  saprast jo  dzekiniem  kas sito  izpilda  galva dirsaa iebaasta

    1.  0 0

    upuce (39) 6 (10155)3625 17 g  

    latrs jau textu izprot pa savam..ko es tur saskatiishu,To cits ne..
    ir jau dziesmas,kas burtiski tulkojas,kaa tiek dziedaats, taa arii jaasaprot..citaas atkal dziljaaka noziime vaardiem...kaa piemeeram shai.

    1.  0 0

    miilulliite (36) 5 (2651)1512 17 g  

    njā, šitais arī saucās mūzika...

    1.  0 0

    dr_zarinsh 6 (16161)3428 17 g  

    nu bļin taads sviests

    1.  0 0

    SaneStarKiller 6 (5905)238 17 g  

    ha shitaa dziesma atraisa fantaaziju :P

    nu jaa buutiibaa vinja ir par seerijveida varotaaju...

    1.  0 0

    mazinsh (40) 8 (105508)4978 17 g  

    njā - te jau pat vārdus saprast nevar... viņš tač tik RŪC

    1.  0 0

    ren4iks30 (48) 4 (1826)27 17 g  

    nu smags gan tas gabals man neiet pie sirds :)

    1.  0 0

    Seroquel (36) 7 (27359)4520 17 g  

    ta nav dziedasana.. bet kjerksana atvaino :) tur laga balssaites nav vajadzigas lai pirstu viena notii.. labak solistu nonjemtu bet atstatu parejos.. gjitaras vnk zbs skan bez ta auna

    1.  0 0

    angrines 5 (2612)1310 17 g  

    es to par dziesmu nemaz nesauktu, bet gaumes jau dažādas un per tām nestrīdas...

    1.  0 1

    wvicha 6 (8740)238 17 g  

    They think they know who I am
    All they know is I love to kill
    Face down, dead on the ground
    Find me before another is found

    I come alive in the darkness
    Left murdered and nameless
    Dead, unburied, and rotten
    Half eaten by insects

    She was so beautiful

    Tied her up
    And taped her mouth shut
    Couldn't scream
    Raped violently
    Rope tight, around her throat
    Her body twitches
    As she chokes

    Strangulation caused her death
    Just like all the others
    Raped before and after death
    Stripped, raped, tortured

    They're all dead, they're all dead
    They're all dead, by strangulation

    I come alive in the darkness
    Left murdered and nameless
    Dead, unburied, and rotten
    Half eaten by insects

    It felt so good to kill

    I took their lives away
    Seven dead, lying rotten
    Unburied victims
    Their naked bodies putrefy

    Strangulation caused her death
    Just like all the others
    Raped before and after death
    Stripped, raped, tortured

    They're all dead, They're all dead
    They're all dead, by strangulation

    I come alive in the darkness
    Left murdered and nameless
    Dead, unburied, and rotten
    Half eaten by insects

    They think they know who I am
    All they know is I love the kill
    Face down, dead on the ground
    Find me before another is found


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