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support 6 (19691)31450 18 лет
У меня такое происходит часто, изза того что мой провайдер до Нового Года будет проводить модернизацию и временами инет резко пропадает.
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Shaggy (37) 6 (5127)11139 18 лет
Error message: 10053 software caused connection to abort
When you attempt to browse an Internet site, the following error message may be displayed in the Web browser window:
Proxy Reports:
10053 Software caused connection abort
This error message can occur under any of the following circumstances: • The external Internet Protocol (IP) address is resolved by internal clients. This can occur if Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) name resolution is used and the external network adapter has registered itself instead of the internal network adapter.
• The client's IP address is not contained within the Local Address Table (LAT).
• The Internet publishing server (destination server) is on a Microsoft Proxy server as well as the client that is trying to reach this server. This can occur if the Proxy server containing the publishing server does not have the Publishing option enabled. This option is disabled by default.
Note that "10053" is a generic WinSock error code that may be displayed for other reasons than those listed in this article.
Подробнее в источнике :) -
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Affect 4 (1331)24 18 лет
байан, было тут http://ru.irc.lv/qna/view?question_id=8958
мой ответ там же. -