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                                                         Horror Film Questionnaire

Please answer these questions about horror films.
1)    Your gender:                                                         Male / Female

2)    Occupation:                                                    ______________________________

3)    Age:                                                                       under 17 / 17-20 / 21-25 / 25+

4)    Do you like watching horror films?                   Yes / No

5)    Why?        _______________________________________________________.

6)    What is your favourite horror film?          ____________________________________.

7)    What is your favourite genre of horror film? (not more than 2 answers)

  Gorno (e.g. Saw);
  Slasher (e.g. Halloween);
Haunting house;
Paranormal (e.g. Paranormal activity)
Japanese horror (e.g. The Grudge);
Psychological horror;
Vampire (e.g. 30 days of night);
Other (please specify): ___________________

8)    Why do you like this horror genre? __________________________________

9)    How do you feel about psychological horror films? Do you like watching it or not?  
Yes / No / Sometimes    
Why? _______________________________________________________________.

10)    How does horror make you feel when you’re watching it?  
I don’t care;
I don’t have any feelings and emotions about it.

11)    What you would like to see in a horror film?_________________________________

12)    Does the poster of the horror film make you feel excited about watching it?
Not sure.

13)    What exactly you would like to see in the poster?

14)    What exactly you would like to see on the psychological horror poster?


      15)    Where do you usually watch it?                 In the cinema / At home

      16) Is there anything else you would like to add?      ___________________________

Комментарии (2)

Yeezy 20. февраля, 2012.г.  
 0 0
1) Male
2) Student
3) 17-20
4) Yes
5) I the kind of person that likes mystical things and stories, although, I don't believe in all this, and I'm absolutly sure that non of this exists. Yes, I'm totally sure there's no ghosts, vampieres or werewolves in this world.
6) "The Descent" - favorite movie, and I also must mention the "Supernatural" series.
7) Ofcourse zombies are allright, but I like movies about different monsters and beasts the most. For example, the blind underground creatures like in "The Descent", or werewolves, demons, and so on.
8) Cause it can always be something new. You know, I just think movies about sick people tourturing and killing other people aren't interesting or mystical, they're all the same. This kind of movie just can't give me the one thing that I want the most from a horror movie - excitement.
9) There's a thing, that I like to watch a movie with somekind of psychological issue, but when it's the main problem of the movie - I rather not watch it. As I already said, I just don't like to watch sick maniacs or something like that - It's totally not frightening and this kind of movie can only invoke anger in me, for example, after I watched "The Girl Next Door (2007)" movie I was just shattered in pieces by anger. No fear or exitment (that's what I want from a good horror), just anger (that's meaningless).
10) If it's a really good horror, I'm home alone and it's 2 a.m. (the best conditions to watch a good horror movie), it can make excited, a bit paranoid or scared, maybe nervous, it also can make me funny and happy (because of the nice movie) at the end of the movie. Ofcourse it can make me funny and sleepy if it's a shitty one.
11) Monsters, beasts, diffrenet new creatures, I just want more of them! And ofcoure a good scenario and direction - it's what nowaday horrors lack the most.
12) Posters can be deceptive. So, sometimes. I guess answer "not sure" will fit this one.
13) I don't know, I don't judge by the cover, so a name of the movie - it's enough.
14) I don't care.
15) At home. I never go to the cinema alone, and when you're not alone, the atmosphere of watching a horror movie is ruined (if you really want to watch a horror, not just to make out with some girl, that is totally afraid of horrors).
16) You owe me for this one, babe.
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