Emperor be praised, someone knows english around here:)
I agree that mobbing up is a great problem but after some time spent on meditations and free thinking i realised the hard truth.
My truth is that it is impossible to get rid of mob or problems by violence lest we become just like the ones we so hardly try to destroy. It is impossible to get rid of it by isolation from it, since we all will be plunged into more and more of hard work and degrade into moneyhungry mob we tried to evaporate. It is impossible to get rid of the mob by simply banning them, since they are more numerous and enforcing this will leads to point No. 1.
Its impossible to get rid of the mob, by elevating level of life, people will always want more, get greedy, selfish, decadent, perverted and in the end extinct.
There are only three ways out of this. To become one with the mob, be assimilated, be not who you are, fall from grace. Or to live like we all live now, miserable lives of Free People who recognise themselves outside of mob to some extent, stagnation, apathy misery. And the last one - to die, jump into oblivion and be forgotten.
I chose to live as I am, to be what i dream to be. Some say that i sure have a diagnose, i dont care for there are those who accept me as I am and see benefits.
Some might say that I just show off, try to mystify all the stuff, they all have rights for their opinions, and i blame none of them.
And i belive, that in the end, all of us will get our cut, for being not like them.
Im sorry for too long post or crazy-looking text i wrote... maybe its the way for me that I feel more freely inside my own mind after some vodka...

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