Сходил на него в кино вчера =)
тухлятина =)) Не знаю даже почему он мне не понравился. Слишком пафосный, слишком растянутый, очень много тупой болтовни не нужной..

склонен к этому комменту =)

First of all, I loved the first movie! The second wasn't so bad. But this... This is a bad joke. This isn't an action movie, this is a family comedy. So if you want to laugh, you will love it, but if you are expecting a nice action movie, than you are gonna have a bad time. The action scenes are about 20 minutes in the film, they are pretty good, but only 20 minutes? If there were at least half as many as in the Avengers, i would be really happy. The mandarin, one of the main evils in the comics is just a junkie actor. And the last scenes? Tony blows up his armors and gets his reactor out of his chest, because he has been cured?!? What will Disney put in the next movie (if there will be one)? Unicorns and princesses, musical scenes? This should have been a bad-ass, hardcore action movie, instead it's a poor shadow of the first two episodes.

Комментарии (1)

One and only (35) 27. апреля, 2013.г.  
 0 0
ФОТО , жестокое  
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