Твои,ожидаемые "злыми псами",мучения оказались полной противоположность душевным страданиям в неволе, потому как, ты, за время своего существования, вознёсся разумом на более высокую ступень эволюции сознания. Тело в неволе, в то время как душа бороздит нескончаемые просторы энергии мироздания...

Charles Manson:

"People in prison...most of them are your reflections,they are your mistakes,as a collective society. They weren't born rebellion,they weren't born with anger and frustration that they have,that had to be put in by somebody...Outside World programs people into education and knowledge; The Inside World UNprograms people to wisdom and understanding. In other words, you have two thoughts."

Interviewer: Should there be a death penalty?
Manson: I don't have the authority to say anything like that.
Interviewer: You have the authority to believe.
Manson: I believe what i'm told to believe,don't you?

"I can't judge any of you. I have no malice against you and no ribbons for you. But I think that it is high time that you all start looking at yourselves, and judging the lie that you live in."

"I'm probably one of the most dangerous men in the world if I want to be. But I never wanted to be anything but me."

"Did I kill anyone?"  NO!

Комментарии (2)

Olegosss 29. октября, 2010.г.  
 0 0
4itaj nazvanije bloga...i posmotri na dve ostav6ijesja fotki.....    esli tebe ne poh<>>!!!  
darm 29. октября, 2010.г.  
 0 0
я вообще не читал что ты там накалякала,мне вообще похеру,но вот тот справа,это Нойз эмси?или Ленин?или два в одном?очень похоже_)))
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