"Tuakiri" We called tuakiri, that is personality. Waves forming the armband and the sun want to represent his life going on, with all the changes and events he comes across, and through his life two aspects of his personality alternate: the dolphin that symbolizes joy, friendship, games, and the shark that symbolizes strength and adaptability. The dolphin contains the shark teeth motif and the shark has a symbol of meeting inside because they are two sides of a single character and they can´t be separated. Romantic and strong, loving the sea and having company. The manta symbolizes elegance and freedom, the fish hook, or matau, is a symbol of wealth and the "all seeing eye" is a symbol of protection to scare enemies away. The turtle´s shell motif around the sun represents the navigator and symbolizes his passion for travels.
Дай потом контактик мастера,мне свою доделать надо
Я подумаю ! Потом спишемся и я с ним тебя познакомлю !
Ну не знаю, мне так больше нравится!
Друг дома делал, он учится ещё !
Дай потом контактик мастера,мне свою доделать надо
А мне всё равно кто, что пишет ! Я бы не накалывал её если бы не нравилась !
Что именно ?
We called tuakiri, that is personality. Waves forming the armband and the sun want to represent his life going on, with all the changes and events he comes across, and through his life two aspects of his personality alternate: the dolphin that symbolizes joy, friendship, games, and the shark that symbolizes strength and adaptability. The dolphin contains the shark teeth motif and the shark has a symbol of meeting inside because they are two sides of a single character and they can´t be separated. Romantic and strong, loving the sea and having company. The manta symbolizes elegance and freedom, the fish hook, or matau, is a symbol of wealth and the "all seeing eye" is a symbol of protection to scare enemies away.
The turtle´s shell motif around the sun represents the navigator and symbolizes his passion for travels.
Стиль Maori.
Оставлю как есть, ну может только на плечо продолжу.
Набита с оригинала, настоящая и я доволен полностью !
Это маори (Оберег) Если человек понимающей то увидит там - Акулу, дельфина, ската, крючок и всё это сделано на панцире черепахи !