Лучший ответ

    1.  1 0

    Женя (35) 7 (39320)538136 13 лет  

          +v - Enables use of the voice/devoice commands.
          +V - Enables automatic voice.
          +o - Enables use of the op/deop commands.
          +O - Enables automatic op.
          +s - Enables use of the set command.
          +i - Enables use of the invite and getkey commands.
          +r - Enables use of the unban command.
          +R - Enables use of the recover and clear commands.
          +f - Enables modification of channel access lists.
          +t - Enables use of the topic and topicappend commands.
          +A - Enables viewing of channel access lists.
          +F - Grants full founder access.
          +b - Enables automatic kickban.


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