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    1.  1 0

    COCOK (26) 6 (8580)2414 14 лет  

    As I'm dancing through the night
    Unforgettable tonight
    Time was passing very rapid
    Undesirable had happened
    Mind was taken over slowly
    Neither me or you was lonely


    1.  0 0

    buka_ 6 (5095)1931 14 лет  

    главное, чтобы в классе больше ни у кого такого не было :)

    1.  0 0

    Пис Фрог (33) 6 (10349)3751 14 лет  

    And i`m old, because it`s time to go
    Unfortunately, my beard is white.
    Therefore i`m lying in the snow
    Uncle strange was crying through the night.
    My mission is complete,
    No, I wanna die in peace.

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