Лучший ответ

    1.  4 0

    Мудрец 7 (24180)585272 13 лет  

    Audience Award

    Самый грамотный перевод на данный момент. Слеги не знаю


    1.  1 0

    Чернобурка 5 (3192)23277 13 лет  

    An audience award is typically an award at a film festival (or some other type of cultural festival or similar competition) which is selected by the audience attending the festival, rather than by the festival jury or a group of critics.

    1.  0 0

    skippy 4 (1334)2664 13 лет  

    Viewer`s Choice Award???

    1.  0 0

    Лэйн 6 (11056)21241 13 лет  

    An audience award

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