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    your_soulmate (34) 6 (9922)327100 12 лет  

    Во- первых, перевести на какой язык?
    Во-вторых, сам переведи и попроси проверить ошибки...


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    snikers767 1 (98)12 12 лет  

    In the world there is such thing as online shop. It when you can call, and to you will arrive and will bring, that you ordered. Or it is possible to order on the Internet. It can be food, clothes, household appliances and all that it is possible to buy in simple shop. In it there are pluses and minuses which I will list further.
    Let's begin with minuses. If you, suppose, order clothes, you can't check quality. You can not make sure that to you these clothes small or big. Can send not that you ordered. If you order food, you can not precisely know that it didn't deteriorate, and in simple shop it can be seen at once. I think that the most important plus is that if you want you will specially not begin to rock a certain thing from other country for it to go to this country, after all it is possible to order it simply!
    Generally, I think that purchases online are very convenient.

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