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    Kukish 7 (63114)638149 15 лет  

    bachelors без верхней ковычки "bachelor’s = bachelor is"

    Case Study of the „New generation” church + ковычки лишние
    and has few investigated phenomena - наверна...а то предложение какое-то кривое получается
    which describe - без S на конце
    there is also explained - is и also местами поменяны
    organizations - опять же без верхней ковычки
    is a case study
    in progress of this research - по-твоему вродь тож правильно, но так лучше звучит имхо


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    Spectrum (34) 7 (38495)31034 15 лет  

    analysed - analyzed

    Так файрфокс показал, в латышком не нашел.

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    Masculine 3 (891)512 15 лет  

    The name of the developed bachelor’s work is „Public Relations in Practice of New Religious Movements”. Case Study of “New generation” church. The question regarding this research work is new and few investigated phenomena – implementation of public relations aims in operation of new religious movements. Chosen research object is “New generation” church, which nowadays is the largest new religious movement in Latvia according to data from Religious affairs department of Ministry of justice.
        Within the limits of theoretical grounds there are considered information sources which describe new religious movements, its common features, and the variety of new religions in Latvia, there also is explained the meaning of public relations in religious organization’s routine.
        Research methodology is case study within the limits of which are used two data collecting sources - semi-structured interview and documentation. Three interviews and six press releases are analyzed in progress of research.

    vot vrode tak... zamenila pary slov ... analyzed... ny tam uvidesh =)

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    antoxz (28) 6 (7446)2729 15 лет  

    и я до кучи, как обычно, без гарантий:
    The title of the developed Backelor's thesis is "Public Relations in Practice of New Religious Movements. Study of the Case of the "New Generation" Church". (или case study — это настолько устойчивое словосочетание?)
    Но зачем это ^^^ писать в аннотации?
    The question regarding this research work is new and so far poorly investigated phenomenon — implementation of PR aims in operation of new religious movements. The chosen research object is the "New Generation" church which novadays is the largest new religious movement in Latvia according to data of the Religious Affairs Department (абсолютно знаю, как правильно называется) of the Ministry of Justice.
    Within the limits of theoretical grounds information sources are considered that describe modern religious movements, their common features, the variety of new religions ("новая религия" странно звучит :/) in Latvia; the meaning of PR in routine of religious organization is explained.
    The research method (разве это методология?) is case study within which two data collection sources are used — semi-structured interview and documentation. Three interviews and six press releases are analyzed in the course of the research.

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    Boooo 6 (8576)2514 15 лет  

    Фигасе коротенький текст оО
    Вроде норм все...но я не уверенна..)

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    AIS (36) 6 (12095)21234 15 лет  

    у тебя как видно и с русским не дружба =)

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