Лучший ответ

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    Kukish 7 (63117)642157 16 лет  

    по-быстрому: это бяка, которую надо мочить


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    Destra 6 (6158)1928 16 лет  

    Отслеживающая печенька

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    B A C A R D I 7 (54403)687437 16 лет  

    Трахинг куки!

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    foamy 6 (16520)42282 16 лет  

    По-пиндосски рубишь (влом переводить)?

    Cookies can also be used for tracking the path of a user while visiting the web pages of a site. This can also be done in part by using the IP address of the computer requesting the page or the referer field of the HTTP header, but cookies allows for a greater precision. This can be done for example as follows:

       1. If the user requests a page of the site, but the request contains no cookie, the server presumes that this is the first page visited by the user; the server creates a random string and sends it as a cookie back to the browser together with the requested page;
       2. From this point on, the cookie will be automatically sent by the browser to the server every time a new page from the site is requested; the server sends the page as usual, but also stores the URL of the requested page along with the date/time and the cookie in a log file.

    By looking at the log file, it is then possible to find out which pages, and in which sequence, the user has visited. For example, if the log contains some requests done using the cookie id=dfhsiw, these requests all come from the same user. The URL and time/date stored with the cookie allows finding out which pages the user has visited, and at which time.

    via  Wikipedia

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    Ёжкин Кот (43) 6 (10957)52771 16 лет  

    Буквально: шпионящая печенька.

    Оставленная каким-то из посещённых тобой сайтов программка, которая может передавать твою информацию о том, что ты пишешь в браузере и на какие сайты заходишь.

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    Eto_Bred 6 (16869)747132 16 лет  

    А что такое вапще куукиес - ПЕЧЕНЬКИ ???

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    illusia (43) 6 (8193)3442 16 лет  


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