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    1.  0 0

    Doctor_ 7 (60211)1099308 15 лет  

    Sitting restless under the moonlight
    I know I'm getting ready to kill
    They say we're going in with the daylight
    I don't want to but I will

    Cause I won't know the man that kills me
    and I don't know these man I kill
    I pray to God for my salvation
    Wash away the red I spill

    I try not to think about my family
    cause it's a little too much take
    Now here I got me and I got my buddy
    Who can't afford even one mistake
    I'm sorry about writing on dirty cardboard
    It's the only paper I can find
    Tell everyone I got their letters
    Tell everyone I'm doing fine

    Late at night when I can dream
    I think about life back in the world
    I miss you and Dad, Sister Sarah
    I Miss my wife and baby girl
    Pray for me pray for my soul ma
    Pray for me and all my sins
    They say I got a job to do now
    I'll be back when it finally ends

    Who you think i should be fighting
    Mom are you proud are you ashamed
    I really am trying to do the right thing
    I hope my government can say the same

    cause I won't know the man that kills me
    and I don't know these man that I kill
    We all wind up on the same side
    cause not one of us doing God's will

    1.  0 0

    Ajro4ka (30) 6 (13596)649147 15 лет  

    Sitting restless under the moonlight
    I know I'm getting ready to kill
    They say we're going in with the daylight
    I don't want to but I will

    Cause I won't know the man that kills me
    and I don't know these man I kill
    I pray to God for my salvation
    Wash away the red I spill

    I try not to think about my family
    cause it's a little too much take
    Now here I got me and I got my buddy
    Who can't afford even one mistake
    I'm sorry about writing on dirty cardboard
    It's the only paper I can find
    Tell everyone I got their letters
    Tell everyone I'm doing fine

    Late at night when I can dream
    I think about life back in the world
    I miss you and Dad, Sister Sarah
    I Miss my wife and baby girl
    Pray for me pray for my soul ma
    Pray for me and all my sins
    They say I got a job to do now
    I'll be back when it finally ends

    Who you think i should be fighting
    Mom are you proud are you ashamed
    I really am trying to do the right thing
    I hope my government can say the same

    cause I won't know the man that kills me
    and I don't know these man that I kill
    We all wind up on the same side
    cause not one of us doing God's will

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