Лучший ответ
1 0
juzjka27 4 (1181)210 17 лет
1.Usually around 4-5
2. 16-17-18
3.only grines
5.Students are getting grants but not all of them,usually people who has problems with money
1 0
Tvorog 5 (2842)129 17 лет
Hi! Im fom United Kingdom... gonna help u
1)at 6 y.o
2)at 19
3)nope there arent evening classes, just for college students.
4)ofcorse we do.
5)Yes, they do!
Welcome -
1 0
Fast3r_ (35) 6 (11961)2638 17 лет
Chilld starts school At 7
School leaving age is 18-19
Yes there is Evening classes for adults
No i dont have that
Yes they Do
Эстония =) правда хз как с правельностью =) -
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Диетическй торт 7 (37893)11211665 17 лет
1) 5
2) 18-19
3) At schools there are not/ But in the Univesities and Evening schools there are;.
4 Yes/
5) If they have really good notes and results of their exams/ But each year this possibility decreases...