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KaPaMeJIbKa` 6 (9271)21134 16 лет
1-не знаю(такого слова поидее нет)
3-тщательно подобрано
1 0
Nbitoru (39) 8 (127013)1040228 16 лет
Conjunction=cоединение, стечение обстоятельств и етц (+если не ошибаюсь, то ещё и какая-то часть речи\предложения. Союз вроде =)) ).
gleaned(глагол glean)=подбирать\собирать информацию\зёрна\\\тщательно подбирать = http://www.merriam-webster.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=gleaned
P.S Sandslash, translate.ru лажа, очень плохо переводит. multitran.ru >>> translate.ru
P.P.S потому и нет, что ваш транслейт.ру нифига не находит =)))) -
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Dimo6a (34) 6 (10678)2315 16 лет
outskirts - Предместья
gleaned - подбираемый
Сonjunction - нету такого слова) -
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PA3YM 4 (1116)716 16 лет
The act of joining.
The state of being joined.
A joint or simultaneous occurrence; concurrence: the conjunction of historical and economic forces that created a depression.
One resulting from or embodying a union; a combination: “He is, in fact, a remarkable conjunction of talents” (Jerry Adler).
(Abbr. conj.) Grammar.
The part of speech that serves to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences.
Any of the words belonging to this part of speech, such as and, but, as, and because.
Astronomy. The position of two celestial bodies on the celestial sphere when they have the same celestial longitude.
A compound proposition that has components joined by the word and or its symbol and is true only if both or all the components are true.
The relationship between the components of a conjunction. -
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angljaz 1 (157) 16 лет
Conjunction - соединение, связь
outskirts - окраина
glean - тщательно подбирать, собирать по мелочам (факты, сведения)
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