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bossinmotion 3 (525)517 11 лет
College programmes are of at least two-year duration and are considered as the first cycle of higher professional education. These programmes lead to Level IV professional qualifications.Higher professional education programmes are aimed at Level V professional qualifications.As mentioned above, there are both university-type and non-university type professional higher education programmes in Latvia:
University-type professional programmes (ISCED Level 5A) are based upon an academic degree. As shown in the diagram of education system in Latvia, they can be either relatively short programmes on top of a Bakalaurs degree, or independent programmes providing higher professional education but including a standard of Bakalaurs degree. The graduates of these programmes are eligible for further academic studies.
Non-university type professional higher education programmes (ISCED Level 5B) are mainly aimed at acquiring of professional skills and acquiring of Level V professional qualifications. They are of at least four-year duration and they can, where possible and feasible, be organised in two cycles having a college programme and Level IV professional qualification as the first cycle.
Это так называемый колледж.Короче говоря 1 ступень так называемого Высшего Образования.Я бы это просто назвал училещем/техникумом.
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Himonas 7 (36797)51354 11 лет
Понятие высшего образования несколько отличается от принятого в Латвии.
Диплом бакалавра = уровень техникума или двух трех лет обучения в ВУЗе.
Диплом магистра = уровень инженера и ему равных.
Хотя во многих странах еще более странная градация.