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    1.  3 0

    pola anderson 23 5 (3416)1932 12 лет  

    just you and me - только ты и я.
    only you and me - только мы с тобой.
    чисто на интуитивном уровне)) ..ничего такая интерпритация?


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    samohvalova 3 (786)28 12 лет  

    as I see it, you can use "Just" as an adv or adj; the former with different meanings such as exactly, short time ago, to emphasize what you are saying or as a synonym of "only". In this case with the meaning of nothing more than the thing, amount etc, that you have mentioned.

    why you no use google for such quieries ?

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    Василий80 (44) 3 (622)28 12 лет  

    simple,just - в разных контекстах означает просто !
    just you and me - просто ты и я
    only you and me -  только ты и я

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