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Oblachko 7 (24071)54196 15 лет
Популярная игра
Занимает свободное время, человек занимается спортом, а не бухает в подъезде
Друзья с похожими интересами
Может быть недостаток свободного времени(если профессионально заниматься)
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excessif 1 (175)14 15 лет
Soccer is a great form of exercise for young people because it involves a tremendous amount of stamina, quickness, agility and teamwork. It is easy to find a team through school, summer camp, church, YMCAs, or other community recreation programs. Most children's soccer leagues accept anyone who wishes to play. A kid's soccer uniform, which generally consists of a team t-shirt, shin guards and sneakers or soccer shoes, is relatively inexpensive.
As with any sport, soccer carries a risk of broken bones and other injuries. The most common injuries associated with soccer are contusions (bumps and bruises). The vast majority of injuries occur during actual matches as opposed to practices, according to an article from the Sports Medicine Section at the Duke University Medical Center and University of North Carolina Hospitals. The most common body parts to be injured during soccer are the knee, thigh, shin, ankle and foot.
Head injuries are rare in soccer but can occur, according to a study of head injuries among high school athletes. The study, reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that 6 percent of female soccer players and 6 percent of male soccer players suffered mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) on the field. Of the 10 most popular sports studied in 235 American high schools, soccer ranked third after football and wrestling in the number of MTBIs, the researchers found. In soccer, head injuries mostly result from children running into other children or the goal posts.
There has been some concern about head and neck injuries resulting from heading the ball. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) states that until more information about heading is known, heading should not be encouraged until a child can learn the skills needed to head safely. The American Youth Soccer Organization does not recommend heading for children under 10 years.
Shin guards, the only piece of protective equipment that is mandatory in most soccer leagues, are designed to protect the shins against abrasions and contusions.
An important way to reduce your child's injury risk is to find a league that uses trained, experienced coaches who teach and model good soccer-playing form and behavior. Ask the coach about his or her training and find out what emergency preparations are on hand during games and practices in case of injuries. Unfortunately, not all soccer coaches are well-trained, and there tends to be a high turnover rate. -
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Lady-A (36) 5 (3081)1331 15 лет
excersising -good for health, experience of interaction with team members, in future could be professional player and earn good money + be a coach
Early retirement, serious injuries - may prevent from further sport activities, should dedicate a lot of time to be a good player -
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BaMnuP- 7 (48250)781285 15 лет
блядь, убейся человек без фантазии.. и после этого кто-то втирает, что общество не деградирует?
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Korolju6e4ka 4 (1370)521 15 лет
ну и напиши рассуждение на эту тему! + и - ...чего тут не понятного...+ здоровье,! - ноги колесом!