Лучший ответ

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    ама-ама 6 (14173)532121 17 лет  

    Now I can"t tell you exactly... I think that somebody has a reason to live, but not everybody can understand what is that reason and do they have it.


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    udalilsja 6 (11743)31241 17 лет  

    I Don'T know =(( maybe =(

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    Виртулис (35) 7 (35108)653184 17 лет  

    а что, есть претензии?

    1.  0 0

    Gothica 6 (9063)2411 17 лет  

    yes or no !
    daze neznaju 4to vibrat!

    1.  0 0

    V0VA 8 (109782)825136 17 лет  

    Have you got a reason to ask?

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