Labākā atbilde
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evil-devil (36) 6 (8935)2414 11 g
nezinu kaa tev ar anglju valodu jo man slinkums tulkot.
It depends if they are using the same standard (eg...a, b, g, or n) and if they are on the same channel, also having the same SSID will play a role in that. For example, if you had two Linksys routers, that used the standards b and g and were on channel 6 with the default SSID you would have interference. Likewise, cordless phones and microwaves can cause interference because they run on the same frequency that the 802.11x (where x could be a, b, g, or n) standards use. So, to be sure you have no interference, just change the channels they they run on. The channels will range from 1 - 11, each channel is a sub-frequency of 2.4 GHz like 1 might be 2.432 GHz and 2 might be like 2.435 GHz so being on different channels will avoid interference.
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Odium77 7 (43719)3414 11 g
iemet ūdenī lakus divus akmeņus un apskaties kas notiks, moš kļūs skaidrs. paprovēt rūterus ar dažādākām frekvencēm, vai starpā faradeja būri ielikt.