Labākā atbilde
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megija17 (36) 2 (475)13 16 g
Monopolu un aliasu... Tās spēles man patīk... To var arī spēlēt jeb kādā sabiedrībā, tas man viņās patīk.. :)
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FISHERSPOONER 6 (7721)2526 16 g
Beer Race
How to play
The rules are very simple!
All players must start to down their drinks at the same time.
When the first player has completely downed their pint, he/she must turn the pint glass upside down and place it on their head.
When this has happened, all remaining players must follow suit and do the same, even if they have beer remaining in their glass…!
You see how this gets interesting?! -
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Keith (35) 6 (14021)31126 16 g
Nu, atkarīgs kādā kompānijā. Ja draugu lokā, tad kaut ko ar dziedāšanu vai kaut ko pikantu. Ir visādas galda spēles, kuras ir interesantas. Ja galīgi nav ko darīt, tad "Riskē vai atzīsties!".