Labākā atbilde

    1.  0 0

    LATcore 3 (604)24 14 g  

    GePeReS, beidz.. 2min variants ir uzlikt IPB + News script'u, kas ir pieejams uz katra stūra un tas neko neizmaksās..


    1.  2 0

    GePeReS 5 (4199)1612 14 g  

    cik lielos apjomos?
    Vai vajadzīga lietotāju reģistrācija,
    Vai vajadzīga foto galerija?
    Doma ir tikai dzejoļu publikācija, vai vēl kautkas?
    Varu Tev piedāvāt bezmaksas variantus. Taču mājaslapu veidošana, jeb pareizāk sakot programmēšana, tas nav 5 vai 15 Ls, tur jau iet runa par lielākām summām :)
    Neliela informācija par iespējām un izmaksām ir šeit bet kā jau pirmīt minēju, ir bezmaksas varianti.......

    1.  0 0

    anneth 1 (105) 14 g  


    1.  0 0

    Nixon77 5 (3251)25 14 g  

    Labāk veido blogu!

    1.  0 0

    KEPKE (39) 7 (39830)425183 14 g  

    Māku un nodarbojos ar mājas lapu veidošanu, bet nu jāpiekrīt dažiem labiem.
    Tavām vajadzībām un tavai spējai maksāt, izmanto labāk blogu piedāvātās iespējas:
    - wordpress
    - blogspot

    1.  0 0

    haralds (72) 6 (6719)237 14 g  

    tādu 1-kāršu tikai duraks nemāk.

    1.  0 0

    DaReLa 6 (6567)2822 14 g  

    Savus dzejoļus vari publicēt zem subdomēna, šis ir ļoti vienkārš un patīkami lietojams


Līdzīgie jautājumi

  • Kā veidot savu mājas lapu?
  • Kur netā var novilkt kādu sakarīgu un vieglu programmu ar ko veidot mājas lapu?
    Front Page

    Free download Web Page Maker fully functional 15-day trial:
    Current release: V3.1 (posted on Jan 20, 2009)
    Size: 3.66 MB

    Var ieiet (un daudzās citās), bet bieži ir problēmas ar latviešu valodu

    Es taisu ar šo - >

    Web Page Makers 17in1 (AIO) *ALL IN ONE

       1. 1st Page 2000 v2.0
       2. ACE HTML PRO v5.0.9.1
       3. Antenna v2.6.0.120
       4. Blue Voda v7.6.0
       5. Easy web Graphics v1.5.0.201
       6. HTML Builder XP v6.0
       7. Max's HTML Beauty v2.0
       8. Paraben's Web Page Wizard
       9. Sausage HotDog Pro v7.0.3.28
      10. Sothink HTML Editor v2.5
      11. web Studio v4.3
      12. Web Page Maker v2.11
      13. Trendy Flash Intro Builder
      14. Trendy Flash Site Builder
      15. Web Sites in a flash v1.1

      16. Flash Decompiler
      17. TEMPLATES Collection
      18. ALL CRACKS
      19. ALL SERIALS
      Web Page Maker

      Web Page Maker is an easy-to-use web page editor that allows you to create
      and upload web pages in minutes without knowing HTML.
      Simply drag and drop objects onto the page and position them freely in the
      It comes with several pre-designed templates that help you to get started.
      It also includes ready-to-use navigation bars that can be inserted into the
      page. Additional features include built-in color picker, Java script library,
      image library and built-in FTP client.
      Create your website in minutes with this easy-to-use Web creator software!

      Main Features
      No html coding is required and you do not need any web experience.
      Drag and drop the objects. True WYSIWYG layout & design.
      Create websites with multiple pages and easily manage your site at once.
      Pre-designed website templates included.
      Change the color of linked text on mouse over,etc. (  See Examples )
      Ready-to-use Java Script effects are offered.
      Hundreds of functions: thumbnail, mouse-over effects, ready-to-use
      Java Script effects, text link style sheet, tables, forms, iFrames
      and much more...  
      Preview web pages in browser with one-click.
      Publish your web site with just one-click.


      Websites in-a-Flash fULL UPdate
      Websites in-a-Flash
      by Universis Technology
      Websites in-a-Flash is a very easy-to-use multi-template Macromedia Flash
      Web site authoring tool.
      This innovated product allows the novice designer to create exciting Flash
      Web sites in just a few minutes.
      A straightforward WYSIWYG and drag-and-drop interface allows anyone, who
      doesn't have the time or the graphical skills,
      to produce great results without having to purchase expensive and
      complex tools.

    HotDog Professional 7 includes some great new features including Boomer
      Speed, Precision, Control - The Professionals Choice.
      HotDog Professional 7 includes some great new features including Boomer
      support making this latest version the most robust, flexible and user
      friendly text-based HTML Editor on the market.
      Here's are some of the great new features you will find in the new HotDog
      Professional 7

      MAX's HTML Beauty++ 2004
      The BEST HTML editor in the world!

      MAX's HTML Beauty++ 2004 is advanced HTML editor that can edit as many
      files at a time as you want, plus it has advanced customizable syntax
      highlighting, undo / redo, drag & drop editing, right-click tag editing,
      extended find & replace, template support, project management, auto updating
      code snippets, code library, tag case changing capability, spelling & grammar
      check and more... There are also 28 Tag Designers for almost every HTML tag,
      a Power Toolbar that contains almost all HTML tags, Built-In
      Image Browser / Viewer with GIF Optimize function and ability to convert images
      to WBMP image format which is used by WAP-compatible mobile phones, Built-In
      JavaScript Beauty Scripts (rollovers, slideshows, etc.), Built-In Support
      for HTML TIDY, Internal Preview using Internet Explorer and Mozilla
      and much more...


      Easy Web Graphics Premium
      Create Professional Graphics in a fraction of the time & cost!
      If you're looking for an easily affordable software package that works 'right
      out of the box', you've come to the right place. Introducing Easy Web Graphics
      Premium, the first web graphics creation software made especially for YOU!
      Whether you're a novice user or an experienced webmaster, Easy Web Graphics has
      something to offer you.

      Instant Results - You'll have the graphics you want in just minutes, even if
      you've never used a graphics program before!

      One-Click Actions - Everything you need to customize your graphic can be done
      in just a click! Need more options? No problem; we'll let you do whatever you need.

      Free Clipart Package - We offer you over 300 FREE high-quality clip art images,
      so you can quickly get started on making your graphics!

      Easy Web Graphics works with everything you know...
      Ever want to create some good-looking graphics quickly, but couldn't find the
      software to do it? Easy Web Graphics does what you want in the fraction of the
      time; you even get an INSTANT download. Easy Web Graphics produces quality effects,
      without the hassle that other programs make you go through. With our Change Anytime
      feature, you can make any change to any graphic at any time, even if you've saved
      it multiple times!

      Do you find programs like Photoshop? and Paint Shop Pro? too expensive and technical?
      Do you not have the time to spend months learning how to master the simplest of
      effects? Don't worry; we've got you covered.

      Easy Web Graphics even works flawlessly with Web Editors such as Frontpage?,
      Dreamweaver?, and more!


      Sothink HTML
      Editor supports code and visual editing modes as well as site management,
      built-in preview and file upload.
      Enhanced code editing function that can help all web developers and users get
      the best control of the code with ease.

      Pop-up tag's tip
      Automatically code inserting
      Colored tags
      Tag line numbers
      User defined tags

      Built-in visualized editing window. WYSIWYG editing forms, tables, frames,
      links, images, etc.

      Built-in preview browser or pick the browser's button to go to the outside browsers.

      Standalone Site Manager lets you have a better management of all the documents
      in the local site and easily upload them to a defined server with the build-in FTP.

      More features  

      In short, Sothink HTML Editor is not a trick to make page-creation a drink
      of tea or a walk in the park, but its enhanced code editing, strong tag support,
      gallery of widget and other marvelous features will simplify this process.
      Sothink HTML Editor, a good choice for both beginners and experienced web
      designers for their dreamed web page.

      Platform: Win 95/98/Me/NT 4.0/2000/XP (IE 4.0 or above required)

      More ........................... inside the pack
  • Gribu veidot savu mājas lapu/blogu. Kādi ieteikumi, ar ko sākt, kur to veidot, kādas platformas varat ieteikt? Ideālā varinatā bezmaksas.
  • Kāpēc veidot filmas ir tik d'ārgi?
    Pirmkārt jau teksts, scenārijs, grāmata par ko kāds noteikti grib summu, jo ja vēl filma plānota diezgan vērienīga, tad nav ko ākstīties. Tad direktors režisors, tehniskie darbinieki. Pati tehnika, tās noma un professionāli aktieri, kuriem arī viss nesanāk uz sitiena. Zvaigznes arī vairāk ganjau prasa, bet filma bez zvaigznēm negūst popularitāti. Tad mūzika, un par to arī hinorārs jāmaksā. Vārdsakot daudzas mākslas vienā un māksla pati par sevi ir dārga.
  • Vai ir jēga veidot torentus?
    tas ir bīstami,ja grib var sodiņu uzlikt i ķurķī ietupināt. Mazās torentiņus kā Latvijas, tādas jau neskatās, protams.
    Ja gribu būt pirāts, tad ir jēga, jo tu sniedz par brīvu mantu cilvēkiem. Sūdīgi, tas ir mūzikas industrijai, protams,
  • Ir vai nav jēga veidot attiecības? Vai pašas tās attiecības atnāks?
    kam jānotiek,tas notiksies,tikai pašam vajag piedalīties
  • Kad ar kādu sākat veidot attiecības...
    ja runa iet par attiecību veidošanu nevis mēģinājumu ielīst viņas biksītēs!!! =]]
    tad sākumā protams cenšos pazīmēties viņas acu priekšā un parādīt sevi no labās puses (un nevajag mūldēt ka kāds cenšas būt tāds kā patiesībā ir)...
  • Rudens tēma - no kā veidot cepuri?
    Kastaņiem un kļavu lapām - uz to spiestu vairumā
    Ja grib un ir iespēja var piešpricēt klāt kādu kaltētu sēni :D :D
  • Vai TU gribētu veidot savas multfilmas????
    jā, es labprāt uztaisītu kādu, ja man būtu tā programma, ko vajag un es mācētu apieties ar to :D

    varētu uztaisīt multeni, piem, par kādu pasakainu vietu un kkāda džeka piedzīvojumiem tajā :D

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