Labākā atbilde

    1.  0 0

    predator1989 7 (22480)41259 14 g  

    Yesterday he beat him.
    And she fell.
    On the second floor of a neighbor's flowers.
    This moody, issued jade!
    He nesit in the face
    And write poetry.
    He transferred to containers
    And taken by force.
    And he loves him very!
    Year of life of any kind ....
    Buy neighbor
    New marsh marigold plants ....


    1.  0 0

    Fischerspooner 6 (7999)1822 14 g  

    Man laikam tā pat kā daudziem citiem šeit nav problēmu ar atskaņām, bet man ir problēmas ar dzeju, tas izskaidro mazo atbilžu skaitu cik noprotu.
    Es tev iesaku pameklēt caur google rhymes un gan jau atradīsi kādu dzejoli un varēsi to izdot par savu, būs tas pats, ja ņemsi kādu no šejienes.

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