I'm too responsible for my age and for other people.
No matter who you are to me,
i'll always try to be there for you.
I take care of others, even when i can't even take care of myself.
I can't balance life at all,
either i put too much into one thing, and not enuff in another.
It's always going to stay that way.

Don't get involved with me if you don't like emotional people.
or if you can't handle the truth.

Life has sent me thru many different paths,
and each time i go thru one,
i always get a taste of the ones before,
your life can never go straight forward,
and you can never forget the past.

I'm a really strange person,
and honestly, i can't even understand myself sometimes.
I always say stuff off the top of my head,
but when it comes to people that mean the most to me,
you will get what comes from my heart.

I work too hard,
I party too hard,
I try with people too hard,
and I get hurt too easily.

But anyways, this thing is getting long,
that's pritty much me.

"Just life is a complete tangle right now,
things just aren't what you want them to be,
and i have no clue where i'm heading......."

Комментарии (2)

BOPOH (47) 20. июля, 2007.г.  
 0 0
Металл как музыка подойдет :)
SleepinWithGhost 20. июля, 2007.г.  
 0 0
A muzika k etomu estj???

DJ_Spor (33)