Отношусь скептически к мотивационным видео и текстам, но вот случайно попалась штука, которая зацепила. Делюсь.

I don’t know you. I don’t know a thing about you. I don’t know where you come from, where you’re going, or why you do what you do. I don’t know if we’d get along if we met. But there is one thing that I do know: You are capable of much more than you have been led to believe.

As I am writing this, there are 7 billion people walking and breathing on our humble rock. The overwhelming, vast majority of them will pass through their 720,000 hours like a match struck in the wind. Hardly noticed, scarcely remembered.

Tomorrow, as you got about your day, take your time to look around. Are there a lot of people around? What do you see? You see mediocrity. You see average. You see everything about yourself that you hate, that you fear, but that you have been conditioned to believe is acceptable. Fine. Enough. A good job.

I’m here to tell you that you will NOT settle for what is fine. You will NOT settle for a good job. Fine is for the loser. Fine is for the guy who skipped the last set of his workout because they just didn’t feel like it. Fine is for the guy who cheated on their diet (this goes for you too, you skinny ass) because they just couldn’t do it anymore. Fine is for the guy who took a nap instead of sprinting around town in a torrential downpour. Fine is for the guy who got the job, but not the one they wanted. That guy made second place. They have never embraced pain, personal sacrifice, or thrown themselves into the fires of dedication. Most importantly, and starting today, this guy is NOT YOU.

You are not them. You are destined for greatness. You have it inside of you, and you know it. You have always known it, you have felt it as a faint thumping in your gut. It is clawing, scratching, struggling to be set free. It needs your help. As long as you hold yourself to the standard of “average,” that is all you will ever be. In your dreams you aren’t average, so why the hell are you settling for it now? What are you not doing right now? What is eating at the back of your skull? Go do IT. You know what it is, soldier. The time to act is now. You will burn. You will suffer. Your demons will not be defeated easily. Every step of the way they will whisper in your ear that you aren’t good enough. That you aren’t meant to succeed. “Just give up,” they will mutter, “you’ll never be the best.” “NO,” you will reply. You will embrace suffering. You will finish that last repetition. You will claw through the agonizing pain, you will destroy the mediocre pussy in your head, you will break boundaries. You will rise above the rest. You will realize your potential.

You are no average person. Now go do what you were destined to do. End of the fucking story!

Комментарии (7)

osterreich (28) 7. августа, 2012.г.  
 0 0
перевод давай, мы чо англики что ли?

учи инглиш давай...
osterreich (28) 7. августа, 2012.г.  
 0 0
Сейчас ты задумался.. А потом переключил и забыл..

Именно поэтому  
Отношусь скептически к мотивационным видео и текстам
Killian 7. августа, 2012.г.  
 0 0
Самый прикольный вариант мотивации это сравнение. Разве ты думаешь нужно тебе идти в туалет или нет, когда тебя уже очень сильно припирает, вот так же и с остальными вещами. Всё диктуется степенью необходимости.
Лимонс 7. августа, 2012.г.  
 0 0
Сейчас ты задумался.. А потом переключил и забыл..
KrievuBandits (38) 7. августа, 2012.г.  
 0 0
перевод давай, мы чо англики что ли?
Thrw (32) 7. августа, 2012.г.  
 0 0
Палец вверх!  
sheenok 7. августа, 2012.г.  
 0 0
Ну вот испачкал былые стены своим исскуством...

osterreich (28)