
Dear Bernice, I'm student at Southampton Solent university and one of those doing your Macha project as the FMP. I just wanted to thank you for such an interesting idea, Mexico seems to me extremely inspiring and it really suits your brand!
I myself love to travel and get acquainted with different cultures and languages. Although this year is my last in uni and I am starting to think about the future and work. Perhaps are you looking for the interns?

Dear Bernice, I am Southampton Solent university student and one of those doing your Macha project as their FMP.
I wanted to thank you for such an interesting idea, Mexico seems to me extremely inspiring and it could definately bring in a great feel to Macha! I know you are Irish, I have never been there but for some reason it associates for me with high moutains almost touching the sky, grass, wind and ocean. I definately can see how all these influence your brand, adding a slight ethnic touch.
I would like to make a good proposal for Macha and help you improving photography at the web page. But even after quite a serios research I still have unfortunately couple of uncleared questions.

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