Evening has came to our place. The large base with meteostations,numerous barracks and outnumbered defences has met the sunset. The Last Bastion's defences was always perfect and at sunset those turrets and bunkers gave a look of impenetrable protection. Most of the base scientists and soldiers were resting,but at training camp still resounded shots and explosions.

-Come on, Finn! You're shooting like lancer,your sniper rifle is much more capable then this!

-I am almost fine with my results. It is already  impossible to hit 20 coins in 17 seconds at that range.

-You tell that to brutes.

-Brutes Alize? We have faced with you much more dangerous threats.

-Our intel says that a massive epsilon strike force is coming our way. It seems they have overthrew strike forces from headquaters in Antarctica. Their biotechnology is evolving,and those thick-skinned monsters are almost unbeatble with their new device.

-What kind of device?

-It seems like genetic mutator of some kind. How i understand,when they grow a brute,they put some sort of container in it. So, when this mutator activates it breaks up a container,which ends in a terrible mutation,which regenerates brute and sends him into rage.Clairvoyant operators say that epsion have already distributing these things to simple soldiers.

-That reminds me of those terrible things in our childhood. We were alone in our home,or what was left of it,with spooks sniffing all around. We were so lucky that Uragan has found us.

-His squad,not this flying man-like machine.He's a robot, Finn,his purpose is to destroy enemies, not to rescue some abandoned children.

Suddenly a voice from the back appeared. It was Uragan himself.

- I did see you first Alize. It was my order to rescue you. You and your brother had potential.

-Gee,thanks.Maybe you'll explain what a Madman tank is doing in our base? If this thing explodes,not only our base,all REGION will be wiped out!

-I don't have time to explain this.I'll have to warn all about incoming attack and gather people. Go to armory and take your synchronizators and ammo. When a command from me comes activate code on your synchronyzers. It'll save you.

-From what? How big attacking army is?

-Legion. Get the defences ready and go to positions. This is the last line of defence and running away will not help us anymore.  Let them come.

Комментарии (1)

Енот 1. сентября, 2017.г.  
 1 0
and nothings else matters !
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