Англичанин из меня некудышный, так что не ленимся - читаем, переводим...

In 1947 Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger and David Seymor founded one of the most charismatic agencies of photojournalism in history, Magnum. A project was born made of photographers for photographers, leaving behind the consumer format fed by other agencies and magazines, coming closet o and enhancing the art of each individual as a photographer. For more than six decades this form allowed many photographers to be closer to the world, telling us a story in an image.

During six decades Magnum suffered a metamorphosis and adapted itself to the evolution of the world but, it never stopped being a gravitational center until our times, bringing to itself the essence and excellence of photography. While visiting recently the Magnum´s site, I discovered among others, a fantastic essay of diverse images, some which go as far as world war two, telling a story up to our days. Brilliantly narrated by Robin Lustig from BBC, it´s impossible to remain untouched...

Every single one of these images tells a story, and being images of a conflict, they tell specially stories of pain, despair, fear and death. But not all of them, for the conflicts don´t always portray pain and death, but also hope, strength and courage.

People also fight for the causes they believe in causes, despite being mistaken several times. The images reveal to us back then the price of their mistakes.

See this shocking and terrible image of a small child showing us their arms and hands. We ask ourselves, what would we do with a thing like this? Is it possible she still lives? What type of life could she have?

Or this shocking image of a carbonized body of an Iraqi soldier in Kuwait. Who was this individual? Was he married? Was he a father?

Journalists are led to conflicts because they teach us who we are, and what we´re capable of doing...

Here remains the complete essay narrated by Robin Lustig... To see, hear and reflect upon.

Комментарии (4)

Himonas 21. июля, 2009.г.  
 0 0
Не все помнят, что дедушка последнего Буша президента с трудом ушел от привлечения к ответственности за поставки оружия в страны поддерживавших и воевавших на стороне фашисткой Германии, и даже в саму Германию. Компании по производству оружия - это семейный бизнес Бушей.
А кому еще выгодна война?
Inf_Mushroom 20. июля, 2009.г.  
 0 0
классно ты придумал, но мне лень, я спать хочу ж)

Я ничего не придумывал, я выложил. Иди спи)
Inf_Mushroom 20. июля, 2009.г.  
 0 0
Картинки повисли - сайт нужный обрубился.
win95cih 20. июля, 2009.г.  
 0 0
классно ты придумал, но мне лень, я спать хочу ж)
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