Они, судя по всему, решили помимо личных данных захватить и все мысли людишек.
Жмем apply for beta... и получаем такое:

Help us build the future of Facebook.

We at Facebook are preparing to launch a brand new product to the world. We think it will be as exciting as Facebook Photos and Facebook Events, but we need your help to make it great.

As a beta tester, your job will be to ask great questions and provide great answers about your favorite topics. Economics? Skydiving? Relationships? Mexican Restaurants? It's up to you. You'll be the first person outside of Facebook to use this product. Your expert writing will be seen by tens of millions of people — including job recruiters. And we'll bring our best beta testers out to California to tour Facebook headquarters and meet the team.

Комментарии (2)

buljon 21. июля, 2010.г.  
 0 0
Carj_Golubj 20. июля, 2010.г.  
 0 0
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