Лучший ответ

    1.  1 0

    Chatte_Roux 4 (2040)315 13 лет  

    It has been snowing - Present Perfect Continuous.
    The garden is covered with snow - Present Perfect.

    Have you smoked?! - Present Perfect.
    I can smell tabacco on your clothes. - Present Indefinite.


    1.  0 0

    Юрий 6 (6372)669201 13 лет  

    It has been snowing the garden is covered with snow.
    Have you smoked I can smell tabacco on your clothes.

    1.  0 0

    Ooverturn 6 (9789)2924 13 лет  

    It has been snowing the garden is covered with snow.
    Have you smoked I can smell tabacco on your clothes.

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