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    1.  0 0

    nasty_77 3 (590)311 14 лет  

    1) likes
    3)is making
    4) is doing
    5)will come
    6) won't be
    7) worries
    11)won't see
    12)is playing
    13) is training
    14) will have
    15)am watching
    17)is cooking

    должно быть правильно )
    it's simple)


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    AlainDelon 5 (3721)31961 14 лет  

    LLIkoJIoooTa ? :]

    1.  0 0

    trick 6 (8689)31435 14 лет  

    учи tenses и делай всё сам   а здесь всё очень-очень легко, так что не ленись ))

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    Лэйн 6 (11056)21342 14 лет  

    1) likes
    2) enjoys
    3) is making
    4) worries
    5) prefers
    6) thinks
    7) is playing
    8) am watching
    9) am waiting
    10) is cooking
    легко же )) остальное сам  

    She is enjoing being in the kitchen with her friends.

    1.  0 1

    maksiman 2 (251)2643 14 лет  

    Maggy, my wife likes cooking. She is enjoing being in the kitchen with her friends. At the moment she is making a cake and you can't talk to her. She is concentrated on what she will do because friends come in an hour but the cake is not ready.
    What really does worry her is our daughter who prefers to chat in front of her computer instead of cooking with her. Like many teenagers, Jenny thinks it is  easier to get advice from someone you will not see later. It's 5 pm. Paul, my son,is playing  basketball in the garden. He is training  now because tomorrow his team will have  an important competition. I am watching TV and …waiting for this delicious cake that Maggyis cooking.

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