>>--------------------- Girls---------------------
>>-----------------are like apples----------------
>>-----------on trees. The best ones------------
>>----------are at the top of the tree.-----------
>>--------The boys dont want to reach----------
>>-------for the good ones because they --------
>>-----are afraid of falling and getting hurt.------
>>---Instead, they just get the rotten apples-----
>>-----from the ground that aren't as good,------
>>---but easy. So the apples at the top think-----
>>----something is wrong with them, when in-----
>>-------reality, they're amazing. They just------
>>--------have to wait for the right boy to-------
>>---------- come along, the one who's----------
>>--------------- brave enough to----------------
>>--------------------climb all---------------------
>>------------------- the way---------------------
>>-------------------to the top--------------------
>>------------------ of the tree.-------------------

Komentāri (1)

christy 16. jūlijā, 2007.g.  
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Skaists :)
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