You scored as Suicide.

Your death will be suicide. What more can I say? Fact: Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If you want to know hwo you will commit suicide, take a look at your second highest percentage on the bar graphs.

Suicide (100%)
Disappear (93%)
Bomb (73%)
Accident (60%)
Stabbed (53%)
Suffocated (53%)
Natural Causes (47%)
Drowning (47%)
Poison (40%)
Eaten (40%)
Disease (33%)
Gunshot (27%)
Cut Throat (13%)

Komentāri (3)

sabrina19 (39) 22. novembrī, 2007.g.  
 0 0
LAbs :D :D Atsuuti linku, ja tev veel ir ar shito testu. Es ar grib zinaat :D
YugiSan 12. novembrī, 2007.g.  
 0 0
wsp jaa.. :?
Eiby (35) 12. novembrī, 2007.g.  
 0 0
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