Before you write anything, please consider the following info.
According to the Central Statistics Bureau (, the Russian speakers are in no way a minority. There are 42.1% Russians in Riga. Add Belorussians (4.4%) and Ukrainians (3.9%) all of whom speak Russian as their mother tongue and you get a total of 50.4%. Now how does this compare to 42.3% Latvians?

Kind regards,

Какое мы в жопу меньшинство?

Комментарии (7)

KolotunBabay 6. августа, 2008.г.  
 0 0
мы ещё покажем им кузькину мать,их самих почти не осталось.
Eto_Bred 5. августа, 2008.г.  
 0 0
Да на украине все тоже самое что и в Латвии \ Эстонии ... националисты еще те...  
Zyker3 5. августа, 2008.г.  
 0 0
прикольно :D
Olezha (35) 5. августа, 2008.г.  
 0 0
на фейсбуке есть группа "Латвия". вот там какой-то чувак буржуйский интересовался нашим обществом.
Виртулис (34) 5. августа, 2008.г.  
 0 0
Это откуда это?
Olezha (35) 5. августа, 2008.г.  
 0 0
Yes, most Ukrainians speak Russian as their mother tongue. Ukrainian is their second language at best. Keep in mind that there is a very little opportunity to study Ukrainian and even less incentive or need to do so. Judging from a dozen of Ukrainians I know, they do not speak Ukrainian at all. I believe this is typical.
The abovesaid is equally true for Belorussians. So adding these people to the total Russian-speaking community is totally and absolutely valid.

Now, as to the ethnic and political alignment... It's complicated. There are too many politics, brainwash, national pride and other delicate issues involved. Views vary depending on who you speak to, how the person feels at that exact moment and whether yet another political conflict is going on.

One thing is certain -- it would be a great mistake to think that local Russians are generally loyal to Russian Federation, or their politics, or share their views, their habits and their mentality. Moreover, it would be a great mistake to measure anything on a direct scale of loyalty with Latvia on one end and Russia on another. Very wrong and short-sighted.

Although I have more to say, I would not like to elaborate on this topic publicly. Please feel free to contact me personally if you like.

Also, please check out - there are a number of great essays on the social integration (or desintegration?) in Latvia.

Kind regards,
Rei_ 5. августа, 2008.г.  
 0 0
Нас наоборот больше ^_^  Только не все признаются..))
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