Говорил с другом, писанул ему сие. Решил поделиться ибо прикольная хрень. Да я люблю запятые. Каждую ночь люблю запятые.

Imagine you, 7 years old, you broke a vase, not on purpose. You were playing, and as a kid, didn't notice it and crashed into it
You are crying, not because of the punishment that you expect, but because you let your parents down. You destroyed something. You feel like shit
Do you think you need scolding? telling how bad you are?
Do you need to be reminded about your mistake? You have already suffered. You know you made a mistake. You already know that next time you will be more wary of your surroundings
What should a parent do? (Because im leaving for ~30 mins ill answer it for you, or you can answer it yourself in your head)
Tell the child that vases are temporary, and that you understand.
Show the child that you do not love him less. Hug the little bugger.
He doesn't need scolding. Righ now, the utmost thing he needs is love and care. To know that his mistake doesn't make him inferior.
He wants to know that, he wants to hear it from you. You, whom he considers a "god" of his world
He wants to know that you will stand by him and help him become the person he always wants to be. You will be the one who will lead him to the path of happiness
That 7 year old you. You weren't hugged.
You still need that hug, you still need that kiss on the forehead
Give it to him. Tell him it's okay.
Tell him you love him and that he did his best. Tell him how much it means to you that he didn't off himself.
He wants to know that. He wants to hear you say it.
Because in the end, you are his god. Provide salvation for the innocent.

Комментарии (2)

hawketeer 13. февраля, 2015.г.  
 0 0
pomogi Сегодня в 10:24
две ошибки. не weary а wary и запятая после that не нужна. ну это всё скорее просто опечатки)

Про wary благодарю, путаю долбаные слова. Про запятые даже говорить ненадо, я их во всех ебах насилую )))

Удивительно что никто ничего то и не сказал про текст кроме тебя
pomogi 13. февраля, 2015.г.  
 0 0
две ошибки. не weary а wary и запятая после that не нужна. ну это всё скорее просто опечатки)
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